Saturday, July 18, 2009

Your Baby Can Read: 3 Weeks In

Has it really only been three weeks that we've been watching this DVD twice a day?  I'm delirious from the repetition of putting my arms up, singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and opening my mouth to say "ahhhh."  Eden was really enjoying it all at the beginning, and there are still some parts of the video that she perks up for every time.  She mostly seems bored, though.  She rolls around on the couch, climbs on me and gives me hugs, walks around and around the coffee table or asks to leave the room. I put all her toys up, gate her in the living room, put her where she can see me participate, try to do my best interested face as I watch, say all the words out loud and encourage her to do the same.  All to no avail at this point.  You are supposed to repeat the same video twice daily for a month, then move to the next one, and although I have no indications from her that she's learned the words, I decided to introduce the next video at the afternoon time slot, just to catch her interest again.  I'm considering switching solely to that video for a couple weeks and then reverting back to the first for another week to really mix it up.  I don't want to mix it up so much that she won't learn the words the way it's been designed, but I can't help but wonder if she's learning anything at all if she's not watching.  I don't want the money or the time we're spending to go to waste.  I guess it can't hurt to switch up the schedule a bit, right?  We'll see in time.

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