Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Chip off the old Block

As I listened to the radio on the way home from church, a pastor and author of several parenting books whose name I cannot recall at the moment, shared a bit of wisdom for dad's.  I thought it might be appropriate to pass it on.

He said that dad's need to remember that their son is a unique individual that God created for a specific purpose.  Many dad's dream of their boy growing up as a mini-me, a carbon copy of themselves.  They're tempted to support the interests that match their own and discourage or ignore others.  They need to be reminded sometimes that God didn't give them a son to raise to be just like them, but to be just like Him.  A dad's greatest responsibility is to point their son to God and get fully behind whatever it is that He wants to create in their life.

I thought that was good.

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