Sunday, January 11, 2009


I just finished instant messaging with my very pregnant friend, Melissa. At the end of our chat, we were talking about the overwhelming curiosity people seem to have about pregnancy. Questions like "When are you due? What is it?" and "Are you having twins?" as well as belly pats and rubs seem to be part and parcel in the experience of being pregnant.
*I had to take a break and come back to this, so the first sentence isn't so true...*
Our Pastor has been talking for the past couple of weeks about taking the opportunities given to us in this year to be salt and light. My personality doesn't lend itself to talking about the gospel with strangers, but he was encouraging us to just BE beacons of His light. I wrote in my notes this morning that it wasn't about shining a spotlight into people's lives, but being the beacon, the lighthouse. The light emanating from you is apparent in all you say and do.
He mentioned just smiling or saying "God bless you" can have an impact on someone searching for hope. It sounds so old and replayed. We've heard that before. In fact, I thought to myself this morning "What good will a 'God bless you' do nowadays when every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to say it and everyone from pastors to rappers use the name of God?" This is what I am good at. I logic my way out of doing anything to promote Christ. I need to let God worry about conveying the meaning behind my words. I need to let Him worry about how the heart of the other person hears my words. He's the one whose words have power anyway, not me.
Keeping this in mind, I think whenever it is my turn to be asked all those questions, I will try to answer in a way that is God-honoring and light-shining. I hope I can be so aware at that moment that someone is asking me, not just about my due date, but about the life God has created inside me. I hope I can remember and project what a huge miracle and blessing it is for that child to be growing in my womb, no matter how cliche or cheesy I may think it sounds. I want to take the opportunity to marvel at God's goodness whenever it presents itself and allow God to do His thing through me.

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