Friday, August 07, 2009

Eden Can Count!

Well, sort-of.  She's interested in the process, always points to her owl clock and the dining room clock and enjoys the book "Time for Tom," a Veggie Tales book about different times of day.  Right now, I'm listening to her counting in her playpen.  
"Oh, Choo, Eye, A"

"A, Choo, Oh, Choo"

"Eye, A, Oh"

I wouldn't know that this was counting, except that Daddy often says "One, Two Three!" before he does something with her like help her jump into the pool, or throw her up in the air or something.  Once, when they were playing on the floor of the living room, he was counting to three before she tumbled onto some pillows.  She stood up, raised her arms as divers do to prepare, and said "Eye, Choo, Oh..." and then launched onto the pillows.  
:) cuteness

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