Thursday, September 11, 2008

So Creamy!

It wasn't my fault! I didn't know A&D was clear. I just saw that it was diaper cream and knew that the pediatritian told me to put it on Eden's head to get rid of her cradle cap. I didn't see why my ointment at home with many of the same ingredients wouldn't work equally well. So... I took a big ol' squeeze of white paste from the Burt's Bee's tube and smeared it on her scalp. I immediately realized that this is probably not what the doctor had in mind. Then my friend tells me today that A&D is clear... and that she has some I could've used.

We made the best of it, though. Here's a pic from yesterday, when the incident occured. I gave her a good scrub on the scalp with soap and water, but that stuff's pretty water resistant. I've been complaining about her not having enough hair, but she sure has enough hair to make it tough to get greasy cream out.
Fortunately, I got the headbands I had ordered in the mail, so we had the perfect cover-up/distraction for when my white-scalped baby had to go out in public today.

No one knew... but now you do. Let's keep it a secret, k?

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