Friday, February 13, 2009


Repetition is good for refining and perfecting, as in; a dance number for a musical review. What I am experiencing is the wrong kind of repetition. Repeatedly missing cast members, beginning rehearsals late and leaving the piece unfinished.
Yes, yet again, the rehearsal did not go as I would have liked. I had two hours promised to me on Monday night so I could finish Some Enchanted Evening (you know, the one that I was supposed to be able to finish Friday night). I arrived early, as usual, but had to start late, as usual, because the rehearsal before mine ran over time.
No one had been able to print out or even view the choreography attachment I had sent in email form to everyone the week before, so no one had been able to review any steps. I thought ahead (for once) and brought printed copies, so everyone now has one and there's no excuse for next time.
I was short two cast members and, lo and behold, had a brand new girl in the piece! Fortunately for the health of my nerves and my blood pressure, Chuck had suggested I pray and give the time to God before I entered the building. What a novel idea! I did just that and I think it helped immensely.
I was able to just roll with it, say "Oh well!" and keep working. I got the whole piece blocked, which means in theater lingo that everyone now knows where they are supposed to be on stage at any given moment, even if they have no idea what the steps are that get them there. I was not able to go over left and right turns, which make up about half the choreography, but I was able to go over the other move and everyone pretty much has that one down except for the timing.
It was a huge relief just to get the blocking finally finished and to make sure that every cast member had a copy of the choreography to study. I'm confident that at least a few of the couples will rehearse outside of scheduled times. The extra girls who are not coupled have their parts perfectly and the main couple have their parts down, as well.
For the most part, it just needs some (major) polishing. My next rehearsal time with them will be tomorrow and it's supposed to be full cast, come heck or high water, disease or you-fill-in-the-blank.
This has been an exercise, not only in choreographing and teaching for theater students and non-dancers, but also in perseverance, patience and retaining hopefulness. I know I would have regretted not participating and will look back on this with gratitude.

9 pm addendum: My next rehearsal with the cast will NOT be tomorrow, in fact, it may be never. I just got an email from the director telling me not to bother coming because she doesn't have time for me to do anything with my piece. She says this is her only time before dress rehearsals with the full cast (which means no more rehearsals for me to attend, I guess) and she needs to just run the show without stopping. Fine, run the show and continue to let two-thirds of my piece look like complete CRAP! The prayer isn't working this time...

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