Monday, February 02, 2009

Musical Update

I have finally come up with an ending for Some Enchanted Evening that I like. We got to the very last chorus during last week's rehearsal and we didn't have time to go on, which was good since I didn't quite know what I wanted to do from there.
I'm hoping that everyone will be present and on time this evening and that there will be no new people to teach the steps to. I'm praying for divine choreography retention and miraculous ability to execute the steps we've learned thus far. It is now February and the show is going to be performed in this very month!
I am excited about tonight and I'm determined to keep the excitement and good attitude. I can see the finished product in my head. If everyone catches on and remembers their parts... it has the potential for awesomeness and I'll be proud to have a video of it (hopefully). If it ends up looking like poopy, I'll just chalk it up to a learning experience.

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