Monday, July 14, 2008


I think I'm having a bit of a mommy meltdown. (That needs to be the name for some kind of awesome chocolate dessert.) I betcha this happens to just about all first-time mommies. I know I'm not unique, but sometimes that's helpful and sometimes it's not.
This next part must all be read with a Valley Girl accent because it just seems appropriate for this type of whining:
Like, here's the deal. I guess I'm, like, super-selfish or something, because, I am so upset that I really don't get to do, like, anything anymore! I was thinking this week about how I used to go out dancing, like, every week, and then I thought, "I could totally do that again! I just need to, you know, figure out where to go here in Jackson and then just do it! Totally!" But then I was like, "Oh yeah, I've got a kid to take care of." And then I got majorly depressed because if I was into, like, painting, or something, I could totally stay home and do that, but, no, I want to dance. And there have been other things too, like at church the other day, I was thinking that I could help with the kids camp because they have this really awesome program that includes, you know, drama and dance and stuff. But again, I realized I can't even do that. I can't even go take a class myself! or, you know, take my husband to a class or anything!

Gotta go, the baby's crying.

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