Wednesday, July 23, 2008


It's raining, again (I've almost completely forgoten that there's a droubt where family and friends live).... but it's really beautiful because the sun is shining so the raindrops look like glitter falling outside my window. And you know what sun and rain make. There's a rainbow somewhere. These rain showers start suddenly and seem to happen almost every other day. They are quite refreshing, actually. The raindrops are like little soldiers fighting back the suffocating heat.
I think this particular rainshower is symbolic for me right now. I've been getting a bit desperate for some ways to stay active socially and for some ways to make some new friends. I think God's timing is showing itself to be perfect, yet again. Just today, I met over lunch with the arts director at the church we've been attending. She is a crazy, wonderful, talkative, artsy, Spirit-filled mommy to a 7-month-old and she was really great to talk to! She seems like a combination of some other people that are dear to me but far away. We talked for about an hour and a half and I left with a promise of a call or email next time her and some other mommies were going to go do something. When I got home, there was a message waiting for me on my phone from the Spouses Alliance for Residents at UMC asking if I would like to lead a Bible study for the ladies. THAT is God throwing me in the middle of things right there. He's like "Ya want friends? Ya wanna get to know some people? How about getting to know Me better and trying out some leadership skills in the process?" THEN, I checked my email and there was an email about the Alliance forming playgroups and how to get involved in that. It's like a downpour, but a good one. A lovely, glittering shower of little blessings beating back the depression and loneliness.
Thanks, Lord. I never doubted you... I was just getting a little nervous.

1 comment:

gifton said...

How exciting! I'm so glad that you are making connections. Motherhood can be very secluding especially if you have just moved. I can't imagine. My prayers are with you always and miss you more than you know.