Tuesday, November 04, 2008

An exerpt from www.angelmother.blogspot.com that I enjoyed... and should be able to relate to soon enough.

Grocery shopping was easy when it was just me and Hannah. If I got the timing just right, she slept the whole time. When she was six months old she would bounce to the tunes Kroger muses its customers with. Now that she is a boundless toddler and has a sister that wants to follow every footstep, grocery shopping is no longer a fun trip - for Mom. Don't get me wrong, it is very entertaining; and I get my fair share of excercise. I'm either pushing the cart as fast as I can with two toddlers strapped in the toy car attachment that (thank goodness) Kroger provides. Or I'm constantly nagging my oldest to stay by Mommy while trying to keep my youngest from jumping out of the cart.Today was extra hard. Both my girls are recovering from colds. Juliet seems to be regressing, however. She cried the entire time and Hannah just wanted to help. So, she helped and helped and helped. She's a good little helper. Sometimes a little too eager filling my cart with all sorts of things. Sometimes I don't find them until check-out. "Don't need this, don't need this, don't need this...what IS this?"Today Hannah ran away from me a lot. Before she got away from me the FINAL time she told me she was just "looking for something to eat". Then she bounded down the beer and wine section. Well, she's not gonna find it there I thought. Hannah exclaimed aloud, "Oh, I found beer. I just want beer. Look at all that beer!" There were a couple people down that isle shopping for a meal accompaniment I presume. Eyes glanced at Hannah and then at me. What in the world do you suppose those people thought? I suddenly became self-conscious. There I was in a tank, no make-up, a bourgeoning belly, a crying 17 month old and a 3 year old who wants beer. I asked if she wanted pizza with it, scooped her up and walked away. I didn't care. I thought it was the funniest thing. I didn't think I had to explain that I'm not a negligent parent. And I didn't feel like I had to go into this long speech about why only adults drink beer. Better to ignore it I thought.

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