Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Amazing...

what you can accomplish by foregoing a shower. :)
This dress is one of three pieces in an elaborate birthday outfit that I conceived the idea for after receiving my fabric order the first week of January.
I am truly amazed at how in love with my creation I am. As usual, it is far from perfect and I would never think of showing certain details because of my inexperience.
But the model really shows it off well, in my opinion. :)


Just His Best said...

Girl, you have too much time on your hands. Ha! Just joking, I'm a little jealous I can't whip up an outfit!!!

Elizabeth said...

I call that pretty darn adorable too.

gifton said...

soooo cute! I've got to jump in and try clothes soon. Maybe you could do a post sharing some of your experiences and tips... :)