Friday, April 30, 2010

Quick Note on Tutorials

I am delaying my meeting with Jillian Michaels. I know there will be pain involved.
I wanted to write a quick note before I forget regarding tutorials. I want to start posting some. The reason I never have is because I've never thought what I have made was at ALL interesting enough, different enough, or just plain quality enough for anyone else to want to try. I wouldn't mind just sharing with a girlfriend how I did something, but to put it out here on the web feels like I'm claiming to be good at this or know the right way to do it.
I am making neither of those claims, but I've decided to just not care if anyone thinks I am. Or maybe I could make a disclaimer to put at the top of every tutorial.
I will try to do the pillowcase blouse tutorial soon, but there may be a couple of less time-consuming ones coming your way before that. Maybe a hair clip and a way to spruce up a shirt using a zipper... fingers crossed that I get some time to do them!
Ok, ok Jillian, I hear you calling my name. As soon as I'm sure the babies are going to sleep, I'll join you in the living room for some more shredding.

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