Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Thoughts

I took a break from survival mode to pretend I didn't have a baby three weeks ago and stepped out for a little Christmas party with the Spousal Alliance of UMC. Chuck and I got dressed up for the first time since being parents of two and went to dinner with the group.
I decided to take some pictures when I got back to commemorate the event. Here's one.

This morning, I'm listening to Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, GA. He's talking about Christmas and the fact that Jesus had some shady characters in his family that He should have been embarrassed of, just like we all do. He's talking about the fact that Matthew included some strange choices in Jesus' geneology. He, as a despised tax collector, sinner, and overall despicable character, understood that the story of Jesus shouldn't be about associations with only admirable people. Jesus came from sinners and came to save sinners. God had come for those who needed a gift, not those who seemed perfect. The sinners like Tamar and Rahab, the awful mistake of David and Bathsheeba, the non-Jewish Ruth... they were all connected to Christ. Christ came to connect with sinners. Even the ones in your family... in my family... even me.


gifton said...

Very pretty! We just got back from the company christmas party too! I was shocked I could find a dress that was flattering to the after baby body, but somehow I did. Glad you guys got to have a little break. Life with two little ones sure is interesting!

Just His Best said...

I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but your posts were much more frequent before you had two children. Honestly, the nerve of you!!!

I just got your Christmas card. LOVE it! :) Merry Christmas!